Happy Fall

Sep 11, 2012 | Opera Mom

The first week of school is always tricky as the bodies and brains get back in to a strict routine. This year, however, was a big transition year in our house. I have a middle schooler in a new school. (Actually, she was in TWO new schools in the first five days!) I also have a fifth grader that is in a school by himself for the first time. My husband had a job loss and I need to solidify my season. I knew that these first few weeks of school was going to be tricky as far as doing all that I needed to do. Going into it with a positive attitude and KNOWING that I just plain old won’t have as much time as I like for practicing, networking and marketing was extremely helpful. It took the stress off of me, so I could then be emotionally available when the tired, anxious, thrilled, and HUNGRY kids returned home from school that first week.

Here it is folks,
The Opera Mom’s approach to scheduling “Office Hours” on the first week of school. That’s right, I have to fully schedule 8-10 hours daily in order to be successful. Plan what you can, then the unexpected will go more smoothly!

1. Rehearsal time is scheduled in pen for all to see in the house! Sadly it’s limited to 10 am – 12 noon most days…ugh!

2. Try to “bundle” shopping trips to save time. Although, there is always ONE MORE school supply that is needed right now…Really???? I need to go to Target, AGAIN???

3. Only urgent emails are happening that week, networking and promo material emails will just have to wait!

4. Score study is saved for afternoon Homework Time, in order to be available to help with Math questions that I may or may not understand.

5. Working out at least 5 days a week is required to keep the Opera Singer and the Mom in me strong and stress free!

6. Google Calendar is a savior! EVERYTHING, including the kitchen sink, goes on that baby, and my hubby is required to subscribe to my calendar AND look at it daily. No surprises is a good place to begin the day because you never know where it will go! Also, putting FUTURE appointments with myself to make points of contact, send an intro email or to follow up is the only way I will remember to do it!

7. Give myself a break, have a cup of tea, read a magazine at bedtime, and remember I don’t have to be Wonder Woman

Happy Fall! And continue reading for what I am sure will be some amazing parental adventures on a truly Operatic scale!

Picture – my son Aidan and I after our last summer bike ride before school began!


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