Reviews of
Ms. Hennessey as Elle in LA VOIX HUMAINE with Festival Opera
Photo Credit: Stefan Cohen
“Hennessey in particular brought a wondrous blend of silvery tone and sinuous phrasing to her assignment…Hennessey’s performance touched perfectly on Katya’s anxiety, joys and uncertainty, all through a surge of Puccinian lyricism.”
– Joshua Kosman, San Francisco Chronicle
“The production makes a powerful impression because the singers convey these emotional movements so clearly and naturally. And chief praise goes, as it must, to Carrie Hennessey, who tackles Katya with fearless energy and a beautifully modulated soprano.” – Michael Zwiebach, San Francisco Classical Voice
Photo Credit: Cory Weaver with West Edge Opera

“Soprano Carrie Hennessey is primarily a recital singer rather than a production artist, and the opera world is less for it. She portrays Elle in stunning bravura fashion, with exquisite singing and outstanding acting, from frivolity to despair. She absolutely sparkles for the duration without respite, and even her French diction is clear (meaning that she is probably not French!)”
Victor Cordell

“Elle, impressively portrayed by soprano Carrie Hennessey, wanders about her littered room in various states of dress and undress and displays every emotion imaginable.” Jeff Dunn

“Hennessey struts around flailing with her wardrobe and makeup and with cell and dial phones. Her facial expressions and gesticulations are dramatic and engaging. Most importantly, she navigates Poulenc’s vocal lines with precision. While much of the score is recitative or arioso-like with considerable acapella tracts, Hennessey makes the most of those and occasionally blasts a brief melodic line, displaying uncommon power and resonance. A performance like this makes seeing this little gem well worthwhile.” Victor Cordell
“Reviews of Ms.Hennessey’s debut as Katya Kabanova with West Edge Opera”
“Hennessey in particular brought a wondrous blend of silvery tone and sinuous phrasing to her assignment…Hennessey’s performance touched perfectly on Katya’s anxiety, joys and uncertainty, all through a surge of Puccinian lyricism.”
– Joshua Kosman, San Francisco Chronicle
“The production makes a powerful impression because the singers convey these emotional movements so clearly and naturally. And chief praise goes, as it must, to Carrie Hennessey, who tackles Katya with fearless energy and a beautifully modulated soprano.” – Michael Zwiebach, San Francisco Classical Voice

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