Opera Mom
Debunking The Great Assumption
I’m walking into and deliberately with great intention making large life changes. I’m slowly taking and making fewer performing opportunities in order to step into my true life’s work, guiding people’s healing and self safety through vocal practice. After a two hour...
Who ya gonna call?
I am introspective by nature, but since the pandemic have been even more so. Who am I? I sing, but I am not just a singer/actor/educator. How do I wanna show up for people? What inspires me? Am I listening to “The Calling”? Am I even quiet enough to be able to hear...
“I am a creative, Bean!”
This is going to sound ridiculous, but it’s the honest truth, January 1, 2022 was the first day I acknowledged that I was, and am, a creative being. What?!???? Yup. The picture above is something I drew in the Spark File New Year Creativity Kick Off workshop while...
Dear Resistance….
As I share more of my writing and this wild idea of a one woman show about me begins to take baby steps toward a shape, a focus and a purpose, my deep-seated resistance comes up. My mind wants to wander. My stomach churns at the thought of writing and I find...
Morning Magic!
Magic! The wonder of life. My soul needs to remain connected to that, regardless of the craziness happening in life, and the world. Two things I’ve learned about myself in intentionally fueling a wildly diverse career that shifts from one hat to the next quickly is:...
Welcome back!
Welcome to the revamped website! It was time for this space to reflect my life and creative shifts in the works. The photos alone are wildly more me, barefoot, out in nature in my gown. It feels right, no? I’m also excited to be blogging again and to share my new...